Using the planner
The Planner is an advanced scheduling and work leveling feature that provides you access and control over Work Orders.
Planner overview
- Click on the Calendar menu icon, and then click on Planner.
- By default, you are the only person selected, and the Monday-Friday Work Week is displayed.
- To change the calendar view click on either the Day, Full Week, Month, or Agenda options in the upper right corner of the Schedule section. *Note: Changing the calendar view will automatically update the data that is displayed in the Assigned To section.
- You can select additional people to display in the Planner using the Select User (
) icon.
- A summary of each user's utilization will show in the Assigned To section of the Planner.
- To see a user's work schedule click on the user's name to populate the calendar.
- Click the arrow icon (
) next to a user's name to show a daily breakdown of the user's utilization.
- Based on assigned work orders, Asset Essentials calculates the Mean Daily Utilization % and Max Daily Utilization % for each person. Two additional columns display the number of hours each person is scheduled to spend on PM and Non-PM work orders. *Note: A user's Work Shift can be set up in their user profile to determine the amount of available hours.
- The Utilization fields will be colored red if the worker is over utilized, yellow if the worker is close to being fully utilized, and green if the worker has availability.
Mean Daily Utilization %
The Mean Daily Utilization % value is a calculation of assigned work order hours versus the hours available for the week.
- For example, Shari has 27 Hours Assigned for the work week. She has 40 Hours Available based on her Work Shift settings. Her Mean Daily Utilization % for the work week is calculated by: total hours assigned ÷ hours available x 100 = 67.5%.
Max Daily Utilization %
The Max Daily Utilization % value shows the number of hours scheduled on the heaviest workload day divided by the hours available, displayed as a percentage. This is similar to the Mean Daily Utilization % value, but is a summary of just one day in the week.
- In the example pictured above, Shari's Max Daily Utilization % is 175% because she is assigned 14 hours on a day she only has 8 available.
Managing work using the planner
Using the calculations above, you can manage your staff's work load by reassigning and rescheduling work orders right from the planner.
- For example, Shari is over utilized on Friday as shown by her Max Daily Utilization % and the Schedule section of the Planner. We can either reassign the work to another worker or reschedule the work for an alternate day.
Reassigning work
- Right-click on the Work Order shown on the calendar and click Edit.
- Click on the Select User icon (
) and choose a worker from the list. This will replace the user who was assigned the Work Order.
- Click Save to reassign the work. *Note: This will only reassign one Work Order. If the Work Order was generated by a PM, this will not affect future Work Orders generated by the PM.
Rescheduling work
There are two ways to reschedule work from the planner:
- Click and drag the Work Order to an available day and time on the calendar.
- Right-click on the Work Order shown on the calendar and click Edit.
- Edit the Start Date and End Date.
- To apply the Start Date and End Date to all the users assigned to the Work Order, check the Apply to all box. *Note: This automatically updates the Origination and Assigned dates field on the Work Order. If you do not check the Apply to all box, then it updates the Start at Days/Hours/Mins from the Assigned Date/Time field on the Work Order.
- Click Save.